Life Doesn’t Always Have to Be Good


How many of us are done?  Done with the demonstrations, the riots, the “Build the Wall” chants, the Islamaphobia, the cry to dismantle elements of our constitution, and done with hatred in general.  I am.  Somehow, everything has been turned upside down.  It seems as if everyone is getting into the fray.  Rather than working towards peace and tolerance, we are witnessing aggression and bigotry.  What happened America?

Somehow, everything has been turned upside down.  It seems as if everyone is getting into the fray.  Rather than working towards peace and tolerance, we are witnessing aggression and bigotry.  What happened America?

What happened to: “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

Somewhere along the way, a seething, acrid rage began to smolder in our country’s belly.  Hidden behind the smiles and proclamations of acceptance, we ate the poisoned fruit of jealousy and hatred.  Until, finally, with glad relief, we spewed the foul bile from our hearts.  And, what happened then?  Did we look upon our vomit and hastened to sweep it into the trash?  No, instead we declared it good.

“Look!” we cried.  “Finally, my passions of greed, jealousy, lust, pride are unbridled, and I am ecstatic.”

Honestly, how many of us can follow our roots to the indigenous people of this land?  We are an immigrant-founded country.  Yet, we want to close our borders to the “alien,” the “illegal,” and the “refugees.”

We blame others for our failures.  Our appetites are insatiable.  Just like children, we dream of the good life – which has yet to be achieved because it is unachievable.  Our bellies grow as we lust after more.

It is time to grow up, America.  Look in the mirror, and ask yourself In what ways am I responsible for my life?  Am I willing to change?  What can I do be positive?  In what ways do I take offense?  How often does bigotry play a part in my actions and thoughts?

There seems to be a prevailing consensus that life should be good.  Period.  No ups and downs.  No struggles and successes.  No failures.  We want things the way they were – as if our memories are accurate storytellers.

Life doesn’t always have to be good.  In fact, life is pretty darn hard most of the time.  Many of us face financial troubles, relationship dilemmas, or health issues.  Yet, we find ways to cope.  When I look around me, I see potential.  Everyone I encounter has the ability to do good.  No matter what you are experiencing, you have the option to think well of people or to complain and find fault.

Life doesn’t always have to be good for you to be good, to do good, and to think good.


Published by

Rose Wolfe (Living Free with disAbilities)

Let's get to the elephant first: I have myotonic dystrophy which defines my physical limitations, but it does not define me. Without the distraction of physical activities, I have found my passions: (1) Encouraging others to live more fully with fun, faith, and hope; (2) finding freedom in oil painting; (3) writing about my experiences; and (4) encouraging others to live more passionately. It is my belief that every person lives with at least one disability - for impairments are not limited to those with chronic illnesses. Many neurotypical people are psychological architects who have constructed enclosures in which they trap themselves. Mindsets, attitudes, and perceptions are fluid realities. Many of us have forgotten that it is possible how to live beyond our disabilities. Life may have challenges but faith and hope are within reach. I have made my choice: I am LivingFreeWithdisAbilities.

9 thoughts on “Life Doesn’t Always Have to Be Good”

  1. The ‘Doctrine of Discovery’ which has never yet been declared a heresy, now manifests itself in a belligerent posture of entitlement. We have lost the ability to have meaningful dialogue with those who don’t share our view of reality. Dialogue has been preempted by emotion.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. It is true, when we are no longer a nation of hospitality or refuge, when we no longer shelter the dream of democracy for all (especially from war torn countries or other religions), when we fail journalist protections and human rights protections… we fail the dignity and strength of freedom. xoxo

    Liked by 1 person

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